10 March 2013

The Best Goodbyes

K's sister and brother in law had fun saying goodbye to K this weekend. A visit to a local fun park was just the treat for a lovely 'goodbye'. Thank you for creating some memories that K will remember always.
 Bouncing is always a winner with 5 year olds.
 Testing their maze skills - could these two be the next Survivor entrants?
 The mini golf had a few extra challenges.
 Like a talking Policeman
And a spider - fancy collecting the ball from this friendly fellow? 
 I think M was in his element.
 Jungle climber extraordinaire
 No icecream for K - she is a slushy kid all the way.
 Family is the best
Thumbs up to a great Saturday. Mum took K to the library. K thinks this has become 'boring' as there are far more exciting places to visit. 
K is going to miss you guys. We hope you can visit Darwin sometime and K can share with you her new fun places to visit.

4 March 2013

Spaghetti and Icecream

With only two weekends left in our sunny beach side town, we managed to take five minutes to find some fun for K, amongst the mad panic of packing and finishing the never ending house related jobs.

Instead of packing 3/4 pack of spaghetti, I cooked it for K to play with. We added her dinosaurs for some colourful spaghetti land play. K had fun trying to figure out which dinosaurs could camouflage themselves within the spaghetti.

Can you spot the green and blue dinosaurs?

After a trip to unload yet another trailer load of rubbish at the tip, we stopped at the beach for an icecream. There was a climbing wall and some harness trampolines. K chose the climbing wall, to my surprise. She was keen to build upon her first climbing wall attempt a few months ago and see if she could make it higher.

She did very well. It took some time to get this high and took quite a bit of strength and perseverance.

This bite of icecream was the only mouthful K had. She is not a fan of icecream - will occasionally eat a 'Billabong' icecream but will just as often say no thank you as well. She also asked this weekend what chips (potato chips) were made of. When I informed her they were made from potatoes, she declined to eat any and said she no longer 'likes them'. Maybe I can tell her that chocolate is made from beetroot??

I'd like to make it back to the jetty one more time before we leave. We will see how we go.