27 June 2013

The Holidays Have Started

This week is the first week of school holidays. In the NT, kids have 4 weeks off in the middle of the year. This is to make use of the lovely cool (31-32 degrees) weather.

On Sunday night, we went along again to the famous Mindil markets. It is a nice place for a walk and dinner, if you can cope with the crowds.

 Its still very warm, but again, no one goes in the water. We continue to be told by locals, not to enter any water in Darwin. Even paddling is against the 'rules'.

 K has been swimming every day with her babysitter. The weather is warm, but due to cold (colder) nights, the water is chilly.

 K made muffins.

F did makeup with K.
 Mummy did face paint.

 Today we went to a landscaping centre, which also has a restaurant. We played in the gardens.
 We have seen this from the road many times - today was the first time we stopped to look.

 K had chocolate icecream.

K has also been to the movies, playcentre and park. Only 3.5 weeks of holidays to go!

16 June 2013

The Dry

The 'dry season' is here which means the weather has finally changed. It is still 31-33 degrees every day, but not so humid, and even the odd breeze makes being outside pleasant, rather than horrid.

The change in the weather has meant that we have started to enjoy some outside activities. Today K and I went for a little cruise on the Darwin harbour - on a bus/boat that drives on the road then enters the water.

 K was the only kid on board and the lady offered to let K drive the boat - of course our shy child refused, though was happy to sit up the front and observe.

We have been visiting the Territory Wildlife Park, which is a great way to get some exercise in this nice weather. It is a huge nature based park with different landscapes to walk through and some local inhabitants.


K says the crocodile is looking at her.

The park has a terrific bird show with some very well trained local birds.

The nicer weather has also meant that a trip to the park is far more enjoyable.

This time of the year is definitely the time to live in Darwin. We have officially forgotten what it is like to be cold. Mum wears a shirt and skirt to work at 4am and still needs to turn the air con on.
K sends her love to everyone. She talks about her family and friends often.