13 November 2012

Show Time II

K enjoyed the little country show with Nana a few weeks back and now she had the opportunity to visit the show in her own town, building on the experiences she gained with Nana. We decided to go on Friday evening for a few hours so that we could see the fireworks which were to start at 8.30pm.
 A goof friend of K's came along with us - it was very sweet seeing them holding hands as they arrived and entered the show.

K has enjoyed this little rollercoaster before. It swings around the corners quite fast and leaves K with a great big smile on her face.

The girls enjoyed looking at the artwork on display, created by other children. We were quite disappointed though that the animals were all tucked up in bed with the shed closed. We could hear the roosters etc, but weren't able to see them. Given a lot of families come to the show on a Friday night, it would have been nice to have had some animals the kids could view.

Clowns are always a favourite. The girls identified each number chute the balls would land in. Maybe next year they can have a go at adding up the numbers themselves. Other favourite activities for the night were the jumping trampolines and the bouncy castle. One bouncy castle attendant was good enought to let the girls stay on for a good 15 minutes as we were waiting for the fireworks start to get closer. The girls had great fun and we actually got a bit of value out of the $6 per child cost.
Sitting on the grass enjoying slushies, waiting for the fireworks to start.

The night was cool, but we had warm enough clothes on not to be uncomfortable. The girls bought one showbag on the way out (that K has not eaten and lost interest in) and were tucked into bed and asleep by 9.50pm. This was a late night for them, however they both still woke just after 6am.
In getting K changed for swimming lessons on Saturday morning, we discovered some spots that looked suspiciosly like chicken pox.

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