1 August 2014

A Beautiful Smile

K is still a pain to try and get a nice photo of. She usually refuses to pose and smile nicely. It's a power play over Mum, of course. Every Sunday, K and Dad have been going out for morning tea, whilst Mum goes to the gym. I tried to get a photo of our somewhat neatly dressed munchkin.

Today, K received her first merit certificate at an assembly. It was for "bringing her beautiful smile to class". Mum tried to get a photo.

I have discovered however, that if you wear a costume, it's suddenly okay to pose, and actually stand still for a photo. K decided to play dress ups last weekend - pulling out costumes she hadn't seen in a while.

Today, K's Cheer class got their uniform for their upcoming performances. K was very excited. As she was 'in costume', in her uniform, K was happy to pose for a photo.
I think I need to rethink my photo taking approach. We don't get the camera out that often, so my options as I see it are to either:
1. Take a lot more photos so K becomes more comfortable with the camera
2. Do some research on building resilience and helping kids become comfortable in their own skins and loving who they are or
3. Buy a heap more costumes and carry one with me at all times, in case I feel the need to take a photo :-)

Which one do you think will help?


1 comment:

  1. Wow! So many costumes! Can't wait until Hunter can play dress ups too!
    He has no choice but to pose for our photos now ;-)
