17 January 2015

Turning 7

K received a new bed for her 7th birthday. She's always wanted a bunk bed, but we have no need for a lower bed. This one has a desk and cupboard underneath, and drawers as stairs. She loves it. Mum doesn't like the fact she needs a ladder to make the bed. Needless to say, it doesn't happen too often.

 We got to visit Nanna and Grandad on her birthday, and K was spoiled of course with gifts galore. She adores her visits to see Nanna and Grandad.

 We had a party a little bit earlier with some friends from school. It was a Spooky Party. The kids had fun with broomstick relays, turning each other into toilet paper mummies, finding monster treasure and creating witch potions.

Thank you to Nanna and Grandad for the lovely costume.

Some spooky friends

Thank you to sister S for the cake. It was delicious. 

And a big thanks to three of K's favourite people in the world for spending the day with us and 16 little monsters. 

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