23 October 2012

Show Time

Thank you Nana for taking K to your little country Show. K clearly enjoyed herself and it is experiences like this that help to build her confidence, courage and memories that she can expand upon at another time

A reward for climbing the ladder is always the fun slide down to the bottom again.

The Gymbus is like an indoor playground with pole for swinging and sliding and other equipment to encourage physical activity. K really enjoyed this.

Her favourite activity of course was the trampoline. K loves to swing and bounce high whenever she has the opportunity.

I'm fine Nana. I'm ready to jump.

The springy harness makes it easier to jump high and land softly.

K has previously on two occasions, had the opportunity to hold/touch a snake. She builds on this by showing confidence in holding this large reptile.

She watches it intently as it curls and moves in her arms.

This one looks cute and is easier for her to hold by herself.

I think she loses some confidence as the snake begins to wriggle and wrap itself around her arms.

Pedal cars provide another opportunity to get physical.

Of course, what Show is complete without a stash of prizes and goodies. Although Nana bought most of these, K was still adamant in telling us that she 'won them'.

Thanks Nana. I know you had a tiring weekend. Hopefully K will join you again next year. You have 364 days to prepare!

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