19 December 2012

New Things

We recently visited a little local school fete. I love little outings like this as a cheap way to find something new for K to try. Today it was a climbing wall. Having never attempted to do this before, we gave K a choice to participate or not. I am happy that she was keen.
The harness is fitted first.

Dad lends support whilst Mum stands back out of the way.

Dad talks to K and encourages her to use her own strength to climb.

This is a difficult challenge. The spaces for hands and feet are quite far apart and K ends up using the actual grooves in the 'rock' itself  to grab and rest upon.

K gets about half way before needing to come down. She has done a good job for a not quite 5 year old. I'm sure the next time she sees a climbing wall she will challenge herself further and try again.

K also decorated a cupcake. She ended up choosing some nice Christmas colours for the icing and lollies from the large array of choices on offer.

We didn't stay too long at the fete. The day was warm and the amount of lollies, donuts, cakes and other such stalls and options available was a bit overwhelming. It would have been nice for some of the stalls to have offered fruit kebabs, cups of watermelon, popcorn, plant your own plant or something a little bit less related to sugar. K ate half of her one cupcake and we headed home.

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