19 December 2012

Only four (not 24)

We started acrobatics in Term 3. We wanted to avoid dance, expensive costumes, makeup and concerts. As it turns out, acro is just the same as dance. K has a costume more expensve than any of Mum's clothes and now owns more makeup than Mum as well. She did enjoy her concert and worked hard to remember her routine along with the other acrobats.

There are three dance schools that I know of in our town. I still maintain however that if anyone started a 'Just for fun' dance school where makeup was not required and costumes consisted of "bring a fairy costume or pretty dress from home", this school would be inundated with families who want their kids to be active and have fun without all the hoopla. I feel sorry for parents of the 2-4 year olds at the concert who had to spend so much money on two very beautiful dresses (not to mention the makeup, stockings, wigs etc) for their daughters to shuffle around on the stage for a few minutes.

I love that acrobatics is building strength and teaching K skills including how to socialise with the others and listen / follow instructions. I'm still not keen on the idea however that to get a medal and the applause of the crowd you have to be dressed up and have a face full of 'stage makeup'. I wasn't even keen on the role modeling taking place with the teachers from K's class (older girls) performing their Jazz and Tap routines with plenty of revealing costumes, bum and boob wiggling (I'm sure there are technical names for these moves in the dance world). If I had even half an idea in regards to how to dance, I would start 'Just for Fun Dance' myself.

1 comment:

  1. That doesn't even look like K! I think she has grown again since last week when we saw her! :S
