7 January 2013

Reindeer Food

For Christmas gifts this year, K made Reindeer food and Reindeer noses, thanks to some other clever ladies and kids on the web.
Reindeer love oats - and the blue sparkles (jelly crystals) ensures the reindeer can see the food shining on the lawn.
K had fun filling the bags to distribute to her friends at daycare.
K spread the food on the lawn at Nana and Grandad's house where we were staying Christmas eve.
We made 'reindeer noses' for the adults/teachers at daycare and other adults who wanted to say Merry Christmas to. K had a lot of fun counting 8 brown and 1 red nose into each bag.

I apologise in that I can't find the link to thank the person/s for the above templates. I will add it in as soon as I can track it down. If you do a search for 'reindeer food' you will find plenty of crafty ladies sharing their ideas.

I think Reindeer Food may become another one of our traditions - at least for a little while whilst we still believe in reindeer that visit us on Christmas Eve.

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