8 July 2013

Territory Day

I have no words to describe it. The official word from the NT Government is:

On the first of July each year Territorians celebrate Territory Day, marking the commencement of Self Government in the Territory on 1 July 1978. The day is celebrated across the Northern Territory in a number of ways, including the famous Territory Day fireworks (both public and private).

In the NT on this one day of the year, anyone can buy and set off fireworks. We decided not to buy any this year - we would watch and see how popular the activity was.

Well - I think we were in the minority. Although we went to see one of the 'official fireworks' shows, there was a show all around the city. In our street, next to our house, behind our house, in front of our house - everyone was setting off massive fireworks. The noise was incredible.

Beautiful - but not good when you need to get up at 3am for work!!

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