31 October 2014

It Wasn't Me

We are going through the destructive stage.
 Every toy has been destroyed, every bed stripped of its fluff, every jar of nails hunted, every bit of insulation stripped from the hot water pipe.
 Lucky he is cute
 And behaves himself at puppy school. He won a new dog toy on Thursday for winning musical sits - being the fastest puppy to sit. I think I just had the yummiest treats - thanks to K for not eating her sausage the day before!
Apparently I have to work on getting the chicken wing back off Rumble after he has started eating it. I have tried. I have lost. His jaws are stronger than my fingers. He doesn't bite - I just can't get the chicken out of his mouth. I think I need to find something tastier than chicken to trade. I need to go shopping tomorrow for a monster sized bone. I will win this battle.

Let the rumble begin.

Show Time

Its Halloween, and it's show night. What better excuse is there to wear a costume in public and not have to actually trick or treat.

Thanks to Nanna and Grandad for my witchy wardrobe.

 Looking a bit nervous, watching the big kids on their ride. Lucky for us this one had a minimum age limit of 14 years. We have a while to go before we have to find our brave britches.
 K did convince me to go on this one with her. Oh my goodness - it was high!!
 10 mini donuts - no problems at all! Daddy did help.
Nice fireworks finished off the night. It was cold - but we expected that given it is still October. 

We got away with one showbag for K, and one for K's favourite nephew. I think I will send all of the sherbet to Cheerleading tomorrow for K to share out, and hopefully spread the sugar load across more than just one person. There is certainly enough in just one bag to share around. Who would ever think that a packet of 101 rainbow straws (of sugar) is a good thing to include in a children's show bag?

Sorry cheerleading - they are all yours :-)

4 October 2014

Funny Faces and Smiley Smiles

At Kings Park last weekend

 Making playdough cakes

Posing near our driveway tree

 At the movies today - getting ready to watch Boxtrolls with our 3D glasses

 Home from the movies, eating more jellybeans

Home from Vacation Care yesterday with a pretty, painted face

And pretty braided hair - I'm going to have to employ the daycare ladies I think to do K's hair the next time we need to go somewhere special

Playing with Rumble today