31 October 2014

Show Time

Its Halloween, and it's show night. What better excuse is there to wear a costume in public and not have to actually trick or treat.

Thanks to Nanna and Grandad for my witchy wardrobe.

 Looking a bit nervous, watching the big kids on their ride. Lucky for us this one had a minimum age limit of 14 years. We have a while to go before we have to find our brave britches.
 K did convince me to go on this one with her. Oh my goodness - it was high!!
 10 mini donuts - no problems at all! Daddy did help.
Nice fireworks finished off the night. It was cold - but we expected that given it is still October. 

We got away with one showbag for K, and one for K's favourite nephew. I think I will send all of the sherbet to Cheerleading tomorrow for K to share out, and hopefully spread the sugar load across more than just one person. There is certainly enough in just one bag to share around. Who would ever think that a packet of 101 rainbow straws (of sugar) is a good thing to include in a children's show bag?

Sorry cheerleading - they are all yours :-)

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