6 February 2013

First Day

I think K's first day of Pre Primary went okay. She wouldn't cooperate with any photos in the morning, so Dad had to grab a couple as she got int he car.
K's teacher seems lovely and she has some friendly faces in the class from Kindy. She didn't cry when it was time for Mum to go, but she did hold on tight. I had to pry her hands off mine and get the teacher to hold her whilst I left. She said she had a good day. She brought home some craft, talked about the letter 'S', mentioned a story that was read about a light that was under the water (that was mistaken for numerous things) and said she gave the monkey bars a go.

All in all, K does enjoy school. It is just the leaving thing in the morning that is a stress. Today she walked out of the class when Dad left, and refused to go back in. Every other child went to sit on the mat like they were supposed to, except for K. What is this all about? It's not as if this leaving thing in the morning is new. K has been going to daycare since she was 12 months old - 5 days a week. Last year, it took a good 6 months before K would not be a pain in the morning when it was time for Mum or Dad to leave Kindy. Even then, it was hit and miss and I think I bribed her with marshmellows in her lunch box. If she didn't say good bye nicely, she would lose the marshmellows.

I need to figure this out. I know she is genuinely anxious about being around new people. I get that. But so are a lot of kids. She's fine in the morning, fine in the car and fine walking into the classroom. The refusal to comply however, let go of Mum/Dad and sit on the mat like every other child, I'm thinking is just a power play from an indulged child. It's not as if there is another option. She knows we are going to leave. She knows she is going to end up on the mat. I even think she knows she is going to have a good day at school.

Kissing, cuddling, praising, encouraging to go to the mat, doesn't work.
So my options for tomorrow are:
* Drop and run - don't wait for the 'bell' to ring and give her a chance to perform in front of everyone
* Discuss a consequence in the morning for not saying good bye nicely - I'm thinking no swim and no TV after school
* Try the marshmellows again...
I'm thinking if we don't address this early, she is going to continue the power play and seek the negative attention from us every school morning. Given that school is now 5 days per week, I don't think we want to go down that road. I know it is only early days, but when every other 5 year old can say good bye appropriately and move to the mat - I don't think we are expecting too much from K to do the same.

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