20 February 2013

Our Artist

With our house move drawing closer, it has come time to reflect and dispose of the several boxes of K's work I have kept for the last few years. I haven't held on to everything - but I normally will put something in her 'art box' if I can see she has put a lot of effort into it or I can notice some improvement in skill. I know however she is only 5. I have many more years of art and school work to go and I simply can not dedicate a whole room to pieces of paper and construction box creations.

So, with a deep breath, I have photographed some of it, and thrown it all (well, most of it). Here is a (long) post outlining the fun K has had in the past with her art.

 A letter to Father Christmas, Dec 2012. K aged 4, nearly 5.
 A large amount of time during Kindy was spent learning about dinosaurs. K has always enjoyed playing with dinosaur figures - they are her standard bath toys that get played with most nights.
 K and friend are dreaming.
 This picture is for Dad - I think the figure is actually Jack climbing the beanstalk.

 This is Spiderman. I love it - especially the spider on his chest.
 At a Kids Festival in early 2012, the children were encouraged to write their own story. The stories were photocopied and added to a library of stories for everyone to share during the event.

 Mother's Day 2012
 It is always interesting what 4 year olds say when asked about their parents. Listening to the other Kindy families, I learnt that what is said, is normally a mixture of fact and fantasy. I don't think I have ever made vegetable soup - and we all know how K is with eating her vegies!!
Term 2 in Kindy (2012) was spent exploring nursery rhymes. Goldilocks and the 3 little pigs were a favourite. The class built three cubbies made of straw, sticks and bricks.

 K's first art work at Kindy, 2012, aged 4 (just)
 K's 4th birthday (Jan 2012) was a monster party. We made monster playdough creations and decorations for the party.

 This weather chart was treasured and used for weeks.



 Mum and K made a 'farm' picture at home. I generally don't enjoy craft time - I think K has plenty of opportunities at daycare and school. I must have felt particularly motivated this weekend.

 I love K's early family pictures. They are so cute. Ears, eyebrows etc have just started to appear in this picture.

 May 2011, K aged nearly 3.5

 K doesn't have bodies in her other pictures around this time. I think this may have been a picture where Mum said, "How about we try drawing a body, some clothes, some fingers etc". The character doesn't look all that happy with his situation though. Maybe he didn't want a body after all!

 Soooo cute xxx

K is definitely not the best artist on the block. I have seen pictures drawn by other kids of similar age that far exceed her skill and patience. K will also only draw for pleasure sometimes. This is something I could encourage more by making the time to sit, and draw with her. She is a practical child though. If there is actually a reason to draw (her favourite being we need to draw a map in order to play a game of 'treasure hunt') she will persist and draw for as long as possible. Note to self - I need to do more of this as well.

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